Friday, April 27, 2018

Reverses Part III

This post is a continuation of previous posts. Please read them first and if you understand everything you can continue with this post.
Simple Reverses
Reverses Part II

So far we have just talked generally about reverses. They are BIG and unbalanced.

We know that unbalanced means you first bid a five card suit and reverse into a four card suit but just how big is BIG?

Depends on the auction.

When Opener reverses after Responder makes a 1 level response Opener should have 17 or more High Card Points. If Opener has fewer high card points then they have more distribution. Maybe they have a six card suit and a four card suit. Maybe they have a six card suit and a five card suit. Depending on the quality and length of their suit, they no longer need as many high card values.

But let's stick with the five card suit and the four card suit.

Here's your hand:

You have 19 HCP and open the bidding 1♣. Partner responds 1♠. You have a perfect way to tell Partner you have an unbalanced hand with a lot of points. Bid 2. A reverse. This tells Partner you have five ♣, four and at least 17 HCP.

Take a similar hand:

You have 13 HCP and open the bidding 1♣. Partner responds 1♠. You would like to tell Partner about your suit but don't forget that Partner COULD have responded 1. They choose not to. You can no longer tell Partner about them. But you also don't want to rebid 1NT because you are unbalanced.

Rebid 2♣.

This should show an unbalanced hand with at least five ♣. Which is what you have.

Let's look at some examples.

Hand 1

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 2

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 3

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 4

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 5

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 6

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 7

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 8

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 9

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 10

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 11

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 12

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 13

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 14

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

Hand 15

This is the auction:
Opener (you) Responder (Partner)
1♣ 1♠

First count your High Card Points. What is your bid and what does that show?

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